Cat Friendly Practices

We are proud to be a cat friendly practice, and understand the specific needs and behavior of cats.  We have set up feline friendly environments to make your cat more comfortable while here including a waiting area that is separate for cats and dogs, and exam rooms that have calming pheromone plug-ins and soft blankets for your cat. We have feline appropriate treats, catnip, and toys for them to play with while waiting. 

If your cat is difficult to transport to the hospital (a challenge to get into the carrier at home, or meows in the car for the entire ride) ask us for some tips to make this easier. Since all visits to the veterinarian start at home, one simple but effective tip is leaving a cat carrier out so that it is not associated exclusively with veterinary visits and leaving the house. You can feed your cats treats, or toss toys in the carrier to make it part of their home life. By doing this, when it comes to leaving for an appointment (or in the case of an emergency) your cat will be less stressed and more accustomed the carrier. Additionally, the use of pheromone wipes in and around the carrier can have a calming effect for your feline family member. Please let us know if you need information about pheromone wipes, or other tips on getting to the hospital.

Despite all our best intentions, some cats are still fearful or anxious about coming to the vet.  If your companion is uncomfortable, please call us from the parking lot to check in, and we will call you in once we have an exam room prepared for your cat’s visit. We understand how to approach, examine and handle cats in a gentle and compassionate manner.  This approach reduces stress and improves the quality of care for your unique feline. 

Visit to find out more about cat friendly practices and the benefits for your feline family.