Diagnostics are a very important part of our practice, as they (along with the physical exam and symptom history) give us the most information about what disease processes are, or are not present, and what we need to treat.
We have a full in-house laboratory where we can run blood, urine, and stool tests and have the results within hours. We also have relationships with local and specialty veterinary laboratories, many located within veterinary schools across the nation, to run specific tests at the most competitive prices.
Radiology is the use of imaging to diagnose and treat diseases in the body. The types of imaging we use the most often are radiographs (x-rays) and ultrasound. At AACC, we have modern digital radiography which gives us digital x-rays that can be manipulated and shared via computer. We also have in-house ultrasound for our doctors to use on a daily basis, as well as access to a board-certified veterinary radiologist and internal medicine specialist to perform more advanced ultrasound studies for us here in our hospital. For clients interested in more advanced imaging such as CT and MRI, we have access to specialists who can perform those studies at their nearby hospitals when needed.