Acupuncture for Pets in Oceanside

At Aqua Animal Care Center, we integrate acupuncture into our comprehensive rehabilitation programs to enhance your pet’s recovery and overall wellness. Acupuncture involves the insertion of needles into specific points on the body to stimulate healing processes. Each acupuncture point triggers specific physiological responses, such as pain relief, muscle relaxation, or improved circulation. This ancient technique has been a cornerstone of preventive medicine and primary treatment in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years.

Dog in hydrotherapy

Does My Dog Need Acupuncture?

The unique nature of acupuncture can make some dog owners apprehensive about its application and benefits. Acupuncture is the process of inserting fine, thin needles at specific points in your dog’s body where nerves and blood vessels converge. Acupuncture has its origins in traditional Chinese medicine, and scientific studies have shown that it has various positive effects on the nervous system.

If you’re unsure if our services are right for your pet, our veterinary team is here to answer your questions and explain some of the benefits your pet may experience, such as: 

  • Pain Management: Whether your dog is dealing with a tendon injury or age-related arthritis, it can be challenging to find an effective way to manage their pain. It also doesn’t help that dogs hide pain as an instinct. Acupuncture can trigger the release of endogenous opioids, which are the body’s natural painkillers, and relieve pain and discomfort.
  • Wound Healing: When your dog has an injury, it can take extensive time to properly heal. This can be especially true for older dogs as their thin skin and slower immune response can make healing a challenge. One of the benefits of our acupuncture for dogs is that it relaxes your pet’s muscles, improves blood circulation, and reduces inflammation.
  • Gastrointestinal Issues: Just like humans, dogs are susceptible to gastrointestinal issues and disorders. When your dog has a loss of appetite or vomits after eating, it can leave you questioning how to help them. Acupuncture can stimulate your pet’s nervous system response help control gut motility and relieve the symptoms of digestive problems.

What To Expect During Your Pet’s Appointment

When you bring your pet in for their initial appointment, our teams will begin by conducting an extensive wellness exam. By taking a closer look at their teeth, eyes, and skin, we can better determine if it’s safe for them to undergo acupuncture. We may also request their medical records so we can choose which points on your dog’s body to target, as different dog pressure points have different effects.

Your pet will not need to be anesthetized during treatment as the needles are so thin that your dog will more than likely not feel discomfort. Acupuncture can be a relaxing experience for dogs of all ages and temperaments, and our team stays cognizant of your pet’s boundaries during treatment. Although a single appointment can be beneficial, we recommend a series of appointments, as acupuncture can have a cumulative effect.

Acupuncture For Dogs FAQs

If you have any questions about our dog acupuncture services, our team is here for you. We’ll answer any of your questions and help you make better-informed decisions about your pet’s health. Some of the most frequently asked questions about our services includes:

How Long Does An Acupuncture Session Last?

Although it depends on how cooperative your pet is, sessions typically last anywhere from 20-30 minutes. We encourage you to be present during your dog’s treatment as it can help keep them calm and relaxed.

Are There Age Requirements For Acupuncture?

Not at all. Our practice has performed treatment on pets of all ages. If you’re concerned about your dog’s age, our team will discuss it with you before beginning treatment.

Are There Any Side Effects Of Acupuncture?

It’s normal for dogs to experience slight soreness or stiffness after treatment. However, any effects should resolve on their own within 24-48 hours after their appointment.

Schedule an Appointment Today

Help your pet achieve optimal health and well-being with acupuncture at Aqua Animal Care Center. Our expert team in Oceanside is dedicated to providing compassionate and effective care tailored to your pet’s needs. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and learn more about how acupuncture can benefit your furry friend.